Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Starting a brand-new phase of my life

Practicing English by setting up one's own blog is really a cool idea. After entering college, I find that time is running out at an amazingly high speed. My schedule is always full, but I can't remember what I'm busy for. People start to think of me as an adult, giving me more freedom than ever. However, when there is no one to tell me what to do, I feel lost instead of happy. I have to find my own direction somehow.
I begin to understand that when you choose something, you are bound to lose something at the same time. The most difficult part is to find the balence. After a semester, I gradually gain a better control of my time, and my life is no longer a chaos. I used to do everything for the purpose of fulfilling other people's expectations. Now I live for myself. I have to flatter no one. I think I finally grow up and become a more independent person.
This is my first essay. In the future, I will record all of my happy or sad moment here. Time is always passing away and there is no turning-back. However, with this blog, I can transform all of my memory into internity. I believe that it would be great fun to read all there articles in the future.

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